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Flu Season in CT for 2023: Here’s What the Experts are Predicting

flu in Connecticut

Flu season is upon us once again. Combined with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and a surge of RSV cases in children, the U.S. could be facing what some experts are calling a “tripledemic.” That means a lot more people may be getting sick this year than they have in previous years.

Functional Fecal Incontinence: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

fecal functional incontinence|functional fecal incontinence|Dr. Gannon in Connecticut

We’ve all had moments of discomfort associated with our bowel movements. Sometimes, the urge to defecate hits, and we simply can’t make it to the toilet in time. This isn’t uncommon, especially if we’re ill and have a related condition such as diarrhea or constipation. In fact, doctors estimate that 1 in every 3 people […]

9 Foods to Improve Gut Health and Others to Avoid

gut health in CT||gut health in CT

Did you know that improving your gut health can improve your overall wellbeing? The term ‘gut health’ refers to the function and balance of bacteria located in the gastrointestinal tract (including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines). A healthy gut can help influence a stronger immune system and improve your heart, brain, and digestive health. Fortunately, […]

Why Do I Need a Primary Care Doctor If I’m Healthy?

Why Do I Need a Primary Care Doctor If I'm Healthy?|

You’re in great health and feel good. You eat right. You go to bed at a reasonable hour. So, why do you need a primary care physician (PCP)? Well, you most likely drive your car daily, and you’re a safe driver. Your insurance company says so, too. But you wouldn’t keep driving, day in and […]