Tis the Season: What to do About Dry Skin in Winter Months
Our intense winters bring frigid temperatures and often times undesirable dry skin. Next to other common winter ailments, like the cold and flu, dry skin may seem like a minor annoyance or simply an aesthetic problem. However, there are potentially significant consequences from chronic or severe dry skin.
The Importance of Knowing the Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is a widespread health issue, and it’s likely that you know or have known someone, or a family, who has lived with this diagnosis. Unfortunately, several misconceptions about Alzheimer’s abound. One of the largest misconceptions is that Alzheimer’s is untreatable. In fact, the disease is often treatable with a combination of strategies, but good treatment outcomes are largely dependent on early and accurate diagnosis.
We’ll examine the facts about Alzheimer’s disease below, including what Alzheimer’s is and is not. We will also lay out the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s so that you can be aware of possible symptoms in yourself or a loved one.
How You Can Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
The numbers show just how widespread the diabetes problem is becoming in the United States. Figures from the American Diabetes Association illustrate that about 10% of all Americans are diabetic. This percentage is even higher among seniors, with one-quarter of all Americans age 65 and older qualifying as diabetic. There is good news, though. In many cases, diabetes is a preventable condition. We’ll take a look at two different types of diabetes mellitus in this article, the risk of diabetes developing, and what you can do to help prevent yourself from becoming diabetic.
The Importance of Annual Physical Exams for Women
Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for women to go for an extended amount of time without seeing a doctor. In fact, government health statistics reveal that for women under the age of 44, 23.2% of haven’t seen a physician in more than a year. This figure is concerning because it illustrates the fact that a significant number of women are overdue for their physical examinations.
Sun Safety: From Best Sunscreen to Skin Cancer Checks
Long summer days in the sun can be fun and healthy for us, but as you know, you need to be aware of the potentially damaging effects of sunlight. To help you take care of yourself outdoors this summer, here’s some useful information about protecting yourself from the sun this summer and what to look out for when it comes to taking care of your skin.
5 Reasons Men Should See a Doctor Regularly
June is well-known for Father’s Day, a day when we honor the dads in our lives, but June is also important for men for another reason: It is Men’s Health Month.
Despite suffering from several serious health conditions at higher rates than women, men are less likely to see their doctors. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that men are more than half as likely as women to visit their doctor over two years. Additionally, 2.1% of men report they have never seen a doctor versus only 0.9% of women.