Preparing for a Colonoscopy in Connecticut: The Importance of Choosing the Right Jello Color
Colonoscopies are notorious for their extensive, and sometimes unpleasant, preparations. But with colorectal cancers as the fourth most common cancer diagnosed in men and women, colonoscopy prep is worth any uncomfortable side effects. Fortunately, preparing for a colonoscopy isn’t as complicated as it used to be. You can follow simple instructions leading up to the colonoscopy […]
Finding the Best Primary Care Doctor in CT: A Comprehensive Guide
By: Physicians Alliance of Connecticut Whether you just moved to Connecticut, recently changed health insurance, or looking to switch primary care providers (PCP), sifting through all the available options in your area can be overwhelming. To find the best primary care doctor in CT for you, knowing what to look for and questions to ask […]
Building a Career in Gastroenterology with Physicians Alliance of Connecticut
As demand for healthcare providers continues to increase, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported gastroenterology will be among the top fields with the highest predicted provider deficit. This career choice is one of the top in-demand healthcare jobs in Connecticut and at PACT, our world-class gastroenterology team empowers one another to provide state-of-the-art […]
How to Find a PCP in Connecticut: 5 Tips
The Centers for Disease Control states that approximately six in ten adults in the U.S. are living with a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The key to treating chronic disease is to detect it early; early detection and treatment usually lead […]
Dr. Paul Feuerstadt MD, FACG, AGAF | PACT Gastroenterology | Channel 8 News on C. Diff Infection
Our very own Dr. Paul Feuerstadt MD, FACG, AGAF, Gastroenterologist of PACT Gastroenterology Center was recently interviewed on Channel 8 to address C. Diff. A bacteria that is affecting half a million Americans. Dr. Feuerstadt addresses the commonality of the disease and the causes and preventions in the following segment. C. diff (Clostridioides difficile) is […]
The Demand for Nurses is Higher Than Ever
Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system—all you have to do is look at the numbers to see their tremendous impact. Top nursing jobs are in high demand. There are more nurses than any other type of healthcare professional, including physicians. There are almost 4.2 million registered nurses in the United States, more than […]