Sleep Health = Better Overall Health: Why a Good Night’s Sleep is Important and When to See the Doctor

Sleep Health = Better Overall Health: Why a Good Night's Sleep is Important and When to See the Doctor

Sleep is as vital to good health as a balanced diet and adequate hydration, but sleep quality and quantity are sometimes easy to overlook. If you are dehydrated, you will likely feel thirsty. However, the effects of sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can slowly creep up on you and may not be apparent immediately. Still, your sleep health is tied closely to your overall health, so it is important that you get good sleep and see your physician if you find yourself continuing to have trouble catching enough Zzzs.

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Kidney Problems

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Kidney Problems

Do you know exactly how important your kidneys are to your everyday well-being and what you can do to support good kidney health? Responsible for not only filtering your blood and removing the toxins that build up each day, your kidneys also help to regulate your body’s fluid levels. That’s why kidney disease is important to understand as the impairment of kidney function can significantly impact your health and in some cases, lifestyle. According to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS), 15% of Americans have some form of chronic kidney disease.

Do I Need a Primary Care Physician? PCP vs. Urgent Care

Do I Need a Primary Care Physician? PCP vs. Urgent Care

With urgent care centers popping up all over the place and emergency rooms always an option for timely health related issues, it can be difficult for some people to rationalize the need for a primary care physician (PCP). However, establishing care with a PCP is important when it comes to proactively maintaining your health, minimizing your risk for disease onset and providing healthcare within a holistic view. Below are some of the important reasons we believe it is a good plan of action to establish a relationship with a primary care physician.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease and How You Can Help Prevent It

Risk Factors for Heart Disease and How You Can Help Prevent It

The dangers of heart disease cannot be overstated. It is the number one cause of death in the United States for both women and men as well as the top cause of death worldwide. In fact, heart disease kills more people in the US annually than cancer and motor vehicle accidents combined. But despite the prevalence of heart disease, the good news is that there are actionable steps you can take to lower your risk of developing a problem.

Do You Have a Cold or the Flu? Recognizing Flu Symptoms in Adults and When to See the Doctor

Do You Have a Cold or the Flu? Recognizing Flu Symptoms in Adults and When to See the Doctor

Tis the season – unfortunately we’re talking flu season- where you start to wonder if what you’re feeling is more than just the common cold. With December 2 – 8  marking National Influenza Vaccination Week, it’s a timely step to receive your  flu vaccine (if you haven’t already) and to better understand the flu symptoms in adults so that if you do get sick this winter, you can tell if you have the flu or have contracted a common cold.

American Diabetes Month: Knowing the Symptoms of Diabetes Can Help You Avoid Complications

American Diabetes Month: Knowing the Symptoms of Diabetes Can Help You Avoid Complications

November is National Diabetes Month which makes it an opportune time to provide education on the basic facts about this disease. Diabetes mellitus is typically a chronic condition but can be effectively managed when caught early. However, when left untreated it can have potentially devastating effects and lead to potential complications that include heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage.

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Branford, CT 06405

(203) 488-7228, Ext. 276