6 Types of Coughs and What They Mean

6 Types of Coughs and What They Mean

A cough is your body’s way of releasing air to clean some type of irritation in the throat or airways, such as dust. An occasional cough is considered normal and is rarely a cause for concern. However, if a cough persists for weeks and produces discolored or bloody mucus, it can be a symptom of an underlying illness or condition.

7 Symptoms of Kidney Stones and When to See a Doctor

Kidney stones are hard mineral and salt collections that form inside your kidneys and are quite common. Each year, more than half a million men and women in the United States seek medical treatment for kidney stones and this number is growing. The National Kidney Foundation states the occurrence of kidney stones has increased from 3.8% in the late 1970s to 8.8% in the late 2000s in both men and women.

Men’s Health Screening Checklist for Every Age

Men’s Health Screening Checklist for Every Age

If you’re a man who avoids or dreads going to the doctor, you’re not alone. In fact, a recent study found that men, in particular, may have a more negative attitude toward going to the doctor regularly than women do. The study revealed that nearly two-thirds of male respondents said that they avoid going to the doctor for as long as possible. In addition, 72% of male respondents said that they would rather do household chores than go to the doctor. Whether it is out of fear, inconvenience or perceived costs of visiting the doctor, the consequences of skipping out on recommended healthcare screenings and check-ups is dire.

The Best Heart Healthy Foods to Work into Your Diet

The Best Heart Healthy Foods to Work into Your Diet

Heart disease is one of the most common diseases in men and women and causes 1 in every 4 deaths in the U.S. The term heart disease refers to any disorder or deformity of the heart, including congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease and heart failure. While heart disease has often been perceived as an older person’s health condition, it has been occurring more frequently in younger populations, ages 35-64, making it all the more critical to be proactive about heart health.

How to Treat the Flu at Home and When to See the Doctor

Data from the past 30 years shows that US influenza cases typically peak in February, so the worst may be yet to come. While it’s not too late to get the flu immunization from your local primary care physician (PCP), you need to know which steps to take if you do end up with the flu this season. We’re here to help with advice on recognizing a case of the flu, how to treat the flu at home and when it’s time to visit your PCP for medical treatment.

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals in the New Year

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals in 2020

A new decade is here, and a traditional part of celebrating the New Year is setting resolutions focused on becoming a healthier version of yourself and often, weight loss is the target of many resolution setters. With the health risks associated with carrying extra weight and obesity a major health concern in our nation, shedding extra weight can be a positive goal if it’s something you and your doctor have previously discussed. To achieve success with your efforts, the first step is to make sure that you are setting realistic weight loss goals, otherwise you are potentially setting up yourself for disappointment and potentially added health risks. Here is some useful information on setting and reaching realistic weight loss goals in 2020.

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